- +57 321 700 7945
- hello@macarenahub.com
- Mpanel
- New Mexico, USA | Cali, Colombia
Instagram, Facebook & WhatsApp
Instagram, Facebook WhatsApp & SMS
Leads Chats
Employees Chats
Inbox Synced
Email Campaings
Receipts, invoices, Instructions
Automatically Generated
and Shared
Automated Task and Reminders Generation and Follow up
Leads by Channel | Ad Post
Deals Closing by Channel | Ad Post
Email Campaings
Deals Closing by Employee ( # and $)
Deals Closing Times
Employees Work Schedules
Employees Departments
We are experts in Hubspot, Clientfy, Many Chats and other CRM solutions CRM however we recommend implementnting Bitrix24 due to its wide range of functionalities and solutions that can be adapted easily and with great flexibility to any type of company, be it commercial, services, health, among others. The configuration is simple and can be adapted to the requirements that each company has..
Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Human Resources Management, Inter-business Communications and projects, finances
¿Can I manage more than 1 businness line from Bitrix24??
From Bitrix24 several lines of your business can be managed without presenting any inconvenience or problem. You can also integrate up to 20 independent Instagram and/or Facebook instant messaging accounts, so you can connect the communication channels of each of your business lines (up to 20), and even create automatic messages with independent flows for each one.
You can synchronize up to 10 mailboxes per user to consult and parameterize shipping automations, so you can work on your customer service emails, orders@, invoices@, management@ for surely all your lines of business, just by paying a single membership..
Each Wazzup license allows you to synchronize a single WhatsApp line (Number). If you want to implement more WhatsApp lines (numbers), you must acquire a new Wazzup license.
Example: There is a WhatsApp line that you have decided to use for your commercial advisors to receive messages from new Leads interested in your products or services so that everyone can answer and manage the deal process from that line using Bitrix24; aiming that, you must acquire 1 Wazzup license associated with that number, but in the case that you determine that you want to use an additional WhatsApp number (Line) for (through your administrative and post-sales team), assisting those Leads that have already become into clients, you will need this additional WhatsApp number (Line) to be synchronized to Birtix24 through a new Wazzup License.
.Then for the case of this example you will need to acquire 2 Wazzup licenses
How many people can manage chats from one single WhatsApp line synced to Bitrix24?
From the same WhatsApp line synced with Bitrix24 through the Wazzup license, all the users can speak (The function and access to the use of the line are activated from the Bitrix24 control panel).
Can I integrate more WhatsApp lines and manage all of them from the same Bitrix24 account?
Yes, you can integrate more WhatsApp lines (WhatsApp numbers) and manage them independently from the same Bitrix24 account (And so from that of each employee who has access), you can also configure so that certain messages reach one person and others to someone else.
Yes you can, for this you must keep in mind that the WhatsApp line (Number) that you decide to use will no longer work from the WhatsApp mobile applications, but everything will be seen by you and your employees with access to this line from the Bitrix24 Chats dashboard.
In order to use a WhatsApp line for mass sending (with the possibility of sending clickable links), you must associate and verify your WhatsApp line with a META business account (some information about your business will be requested to validate it). In this way, the line goes from being a standard WhatsApp line to being a verified business line for WABA mass shipments..
To associate your WhatsApp WABA line with Bitrix24 and automate the sending of your campaigns, you must acquire a WABA license from Wazzup .
You must bear in mind that WABA lines send messages that have been created in the WABA templates section in the administrative panel of your WAZZUP account (Where you can also manage your other WABA and non-WABA lines that are licensed in WAZZUP) and that they must be previously approved by META.
Once the templates are created, sent to META for review (all from the WAZZUP panel) and approved, you can use them from the BITRIX24 message automations panel.