Instead of expanding efforts in guidelines and dissemination strategies, our client in the Dominican Republic managed to grow its sales by 30% by working on CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) strategies over the same average base of Leads generated per month.

By June 2023, Dr. Núñez Santana’s clinic in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic was selling on average 60 procedures a month. These procedures had an average price of $6,800 each. In other words, the clinic was making an average of 408,000 USD monthly.
The initial client request
Initially, our team of consultants was contacted to implement ads strategies, following the logic that by increasing the number of leads generated monthly and maintaining the conversion rate, sales would increase.
Analysis by the Macarena Hub consulting team
Implementing ads strategies in several cases may get a CAC (Acquisition or Sale Cost) higher than the CAC reached by strategies that seek to optimize indicators such as CR (Conversion Rate).
Being aware of this, the team of consultants raised the numbers of the clinic’s recent Marketing results, noticing that the clinic had been achieving an average of 1.18% closing rate, which means that if it is managing to sell on average 60 procedures per month, the total number of new Leads that the clinic is generating each month is 5,050 or seen in another way, the clinic is selling nothing to 4090 of the new Leads each month, or in another way of looking at it, the clinic generates 168 new Leads daily, selling successfully just to 2 of them and selling nothing to 166 Leads daily.
The clinic daily sells to 2 Leads and sells nothing to 166 Leads
Having these figures clear, the Macarena Hub team concluded that the greatest opportunities to increase sales at the lowest cost per result didn’t lie in marketing ads but in customer service and sales advising.
If Dr. Nuñez’s clinic managed to close one more lead per day, or rather, go from not selling to 166, to not selling to 165 people per day, the increase in the number of procedures sold per month would be 30, or that is, the total would be 90 monthly procedures, meaning a growth of 50% over the historical average of 60 procedures.
The number of the investment
If the result of growing by 30 procedures is achieved, the revenue will grow on average by $204,000 USD. If only half of that number is achieved (15 more procedures per month), sales will grow on average by $102,000 USD, and in the worst case, if only a third part of that number is achieved, the revenue will grow by only 10 more procedures per month, or USD 68,000.

The solution
After knowing all the numbers, Macarena Hub defined that the greatest growth opportunities were through improvements in conversion rates, and that the best way to achieve this was by designing and implementing a standardized and automated sales process using an advanced CRM (In this case Bitrix24).
With this implementation, what was sought was to organize and significantly improve: 1. Lead attention process, and 2, Follow-up at the closing of the deals by the commercial advisors, all supported by a centralized tool that is connected to both the organic and paid ads channels, and that provides a statistical analysis of the returns on the investments and the returns that each of the advisors achieve to close their deals in terms of time and money.
The result
By centralizing all chats, being able to qualify each of the sales opportunities to prioritize their follow-up, collecting statistical information on the performance of investments up to not only the generation of the Lead, but also the closing of the deals, and discriminating the returns of the results achieved by each ad’s groups per channel, we achieved a growth of 20 monthly procedures (that is, 0.66 additional sales each day) valued at $136,000 USD, without having allocated a single additional cent in publicity strategies.

If you are interested in working with Macarena Hub as an ally (Growth Partner) or in implementing the use of advanced CRMs in your Marketing and sales processes, do not hesitate to contact us through the following form, a member of our team will reach out to you. Contact you in a few moments, we will be happy to work with you: